No way around the erosion of the soldering tip?
High time to rethink. Almit's patented S-Line has successfully proven that using the right alloy can greatly minimize soldering tip erosion and thus significantly extend the life of a soldering tip. Almit's S-Line redefines erosion protection, reducing iron removal at the soldering tip, resulting in a 50-70% reduction in tip consumption. By reducing labor costs, soldering time and solder consumption, there is a huge cost savings.
Our flux SR-37 (classification REM1) is suitable for applications in the fields of piston soldering and induction soldering, especially for nickel surfaces.
Leadfree solder wire, Sn-3,0Ag-0,5Cu, 217° - 221°C, Flux 3,5%, REM1, no clean (Anti Tip Wastage Type)